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Farm Management    made simple

Shambapro App empowers small farm business owners to manage farm resources more efficiently, increase yields and farm incomes, save money and grow their farm business with climate-smart agriculture practices.

Suitable for mixed farms with horticulture and livestock enterprises.

Sign up to
Shambapro Plus to enjoy exclusive access to premium climate-smart agriculture advisory services in the Agribusiness Hub.

Download Shambapro App Here

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Over the past decade, the banking and financial services industry in Ghana has seen significant improvements in the quality of service delivery and the provision of superior financial products and packages.

We enable remote access to farm owners and investors to view and monitor all farm activities and financial transactions conducted by the farm manager, farm experts (e.g. agronomists, veterinary doctors etc) and farm workers, all in one place.

How it works


Invite & collaborate farm workers & experts like agronomists and veterinary doctors with Farm Team.

Schedule, allocate and approve farm tasks with
Farm Calendar to keep track of the performance of farm workers.

Keep different types of non-financial farm records e.g. feeding, breeding, milking or health records with Production Records.

Track records of a specific animals, flocks of birds, crop fields and paddocks.Use Financial Records to approve and monitor financial transactions on the farm to ensure integrity, transparency and accuracy.

Control and manage your
Farm Store digitally in real time.

Check the financial health of your farm business at any time with Farm Reports.

Shambapro Hub gives you exclusive access to a list of buyers & off takersof farm produce, financiers, farm input suppliers and service providers plusclimate-smart farm advisory & other business services

create a task screen

    Partner with Shambapro

Shambapro values highly the role that our agribusiness partners like suppliers, service providers, corporate partners, non-Governmental organizations and development partners play in making sure that our farm owners build viable and sustainable farm businesses. Through the Shambapro Hub, we provide our farm owners direct access to partners in order to promote sustainable agribusiness linkages in the following ways.


All prices are paid in local currency by Mobile Money/MPesa or Cards .

One (1) Farm Enterprise (Crop or Livestock)
One Farm Map
1 User/Team Member
8 Day Weather Forecast
Farm Calendar
Financial Records
Production Records
Farm Store
Entreprise Report
Shambapro Plus
(6 Months)
Five (5) Farm Enterprises (Crop or Livestock)
Five Farm Maps
10 Users/Team Members
8 Day Weather Forecast
Farm Calendar
Financial Records
Production Records
Farm Store
Entreprise Report
Production Report
Staff Performance Report
PDF Downloads of Records & Reports
Access to Shambapro Hub
Shambapro Plus
(1 Year)
Five (5) Farm Enterprises (Crop or Livestock)
Five Farm Maps
10 Users/Team Members
8 Day Weather Forecast
Farm Calendar
Financial Records
Production Records
Farm Store
Entreprise Report
Production Report
Staff Performance Report
PDF Downloads of Records & Reports
Access to Shambapro Hub

Download Shambapro App Here

Get the Shambapro App Now


The Shambapro App enables me to keep paperless farm records which help me in making important farm business decisions.

Diane Mumararungu
Farm Owner
Agro-Elites Farm
Kigali, Rwanda

Shambapro promotes accountability and helps me to monitor all financial operations of our family fruit farm at all times.

Januaries Kiiti
Farm Owner
Mumbuni Fruit Farm
Makueni, Kenya

I use the Shambapro App to support my father in running our mixed farm even when am at my workplace in Kampala.

Lucille Mbasani
Farm Owner
Lumino Organic Farm
Busia, Uganda
Record Transaction

Control Your Farm’s Finances

Many farmers fail in their farm businesses because they often do not have control of how cash flows in our out of their businesses. Farm Records gives you to the tools to control and monitor your farm’s financial transactions and to ensure integrity in how the farm’s financial records are made and maintained.


Make Data-Driven Farm Business Decisions

Generate instant Farm Reports and Analytics to he help you and your team make informed farm decisions based  on farm and remote data to enable you increase quality and quantity of yields and improved farm productivity.

Report Screen

Our Partners